Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hi there!

I'm relatively new internet blogging, but I wanted to have a platform where I could share my greatest hobby, which is collecting arcade cabinets.

My name is Drew, and I grew up playing arcade games in the late 70's/early 80's. I enjoyed all of them that came out during that time: Space Invaders, Defender, Galaga, Robotron, Pac-Man...there are too many to count. I was best at Robotron, and once played the game for three hours on one quarter, which at the time I thought was impressive. From what I've researched though, my high score is nothing close to any world record, but still not too bad for a 14 year old kid.

So, in the next few days I will start to post pictures of various cabinets that I currently am playing. If you have any questions about arcades, please feel free to message me.

Thanks for looking, and welcome to my blog!


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging. I'll definitely be following, love old games.

  2. Thank you for your comment. I just posted a new blog, feel free to check it out. I will try to post a new one every few days.
