Saturday, May 5, 2012

Golden Axe/Shinobi/Zaxxon

Today's post is about three different games, although only one cabinet. I recently found (for free!) a Golden Axe arcade game, although it had Shinobi stickers on the side and was inside of a Zaxxon cabinet. Weird, right? But one of those steals that I couldn't say no to. I like to find these sort of deals on arcade games, and free is the best kind. Plus, it even had some quarters hidden inside the bottom of the cabinet!

So why was this game free? The reason is they believed it was broken. I always like to test things myself, and actually they were wrong, the game does work-there is just no sound, as the speaker must be broken. There is a lot to fix on this cabinet if I want it to get in full working order. A new screen is a must, as Zaxxon gameplay is burnt into the screen pretty badly. Obviously a new speaker, and the whole thing could use a good cleaning.

One of my favorite things about getting these sort of cabinets is searching inside and seeing if anything unique is in there. You honestly never know what you might find. Most of the times it is quarters, but this time I found a complete Zaxxon game manual, in really good condition too. It was hard to get to as it almost seemed hidden on the very bottom, but it is a cool piece of history to have.

Once again, thanks for checking out my blog, and feel free to ask any questions you may have!

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